I am a Year 8 student at Glen Innes School in Auckland, New Zealand. I am in room 7 and my teacher is Mrs. Tuakoi.
Thursday, 10 November 2016
Counting in 3.
This morning I was learning how to skip count in 3. Do you know why? So I can get better a counting in 3.
Tuesday, 8 November 2016
Information Report: Clouds
Clouds are invisible,white,rains,windy,sunny, and watery.
When warm air rises, it expands and cools. Cool air can't hold as much water vapor as warm air, so some of the vapor condenses onto tiny pieces of dust that are floating in the air.A cloud is a large group of tiny water droplets that we can see in the air.Clouds are formed when water on Earth evaporates into the sky and condenses high up in the cooler air.Rain, snow, sleet and hail falling from clouds is called precipitation.
Sometimes clouds are annoying when they make it rain.
Friday, 4 November 2016
How do you make a cloud.
Science Safety Rules:
1. Safety glasses - protect our eyes.
2. Wear a lab coat - protect your body/clothes
3. Lab behaviour - appropriate behaviour to keep safe.
4. Use proper equipment (ask if you have never used before).
5. Always clean up your mess.
Experiment: Making a cloud.
-Rubbing alcohol
-Bottle ( plastic ) - with lid
1. Pour a small amount of Rubbing Alcohol into the bottle.
2. Light a match and blow it out so smoke is produced.
3. Hold your bottle under the match while squeezing.
4. Blow out your match so it produces smoke ,and release the bottle so the smoke is sucked into the bottle.
5. Immediately close the bottle tight with the lid.
6. Squeeze bottle as hard as possible and release - the bottle should fill with a cloud.Friday, 16 September 2016
Report: Kiwifruit
Intro: Do you know kiwifruit was held in china. China was the very first country to get kiwifruit in the world. Kiwifruit has 3 different colours and they are Gold
History: The kiwifruit is native to the Yangtze River valley of northern China and Zhejiang Province on the coast of eastern China. The first seeds were brought out of China by missionaries to New Zealand at the turn of this century.
Description: If there was only one kiwifruit in this world would you eat the kiwifruit. I will because it is the fruit in this world.
Kiwifruit is a type of fruit that human beans and some animals eat. New Zealand and other county should have more fruit like kiwifruit. Kiwifruit is very good for all humans beans and animals.
Monday, 12 September 2016
The Powhiri
The Powhiri group was held in the hall. Glen Innes student's was sitting down. The Kapa Haka group was with me. The karanga and the waiota was welcoming in the people. Mr shawn ask the kapa haka group to be quite. When the waiota comes in the karanga says what they have to say.After that Joile sang Heirungahei raro and everyone sang along after Joile. Gordon sang kamate kamate Kora Kora and Tamanui sanga A untina and everyone sang along. Mrs Morad tode us to sit down in maori. Mr Hendricks was speaking in maori where he comes from. On the other side Mr Buckner was thanking us for welcoming them in our school. He also sang a song with the teachers from his school.The maori group stood up and sang a song so the student's from Glen Innes school went back to class. Mr Hendricks took the teachers to the office. We thank the teachers for coming to our school.
Thursday, 8 September 2016
My name is Angel. I am 10 years old. I go to glen innes school. I have 2 sister and 1 brother. My brother is Patara. My sister is Inri. My sister is Waimare. I like playing diep.io, slither.io and other games that I play on my chrome book. My favourite sport is Running, Soccer, Rugby, Touch, Basketball and other sports. My favourite food is Island food because it is the best. I like being outdoors everyday with my family and my cousins. Mr Beel I want you to teach me to do fractions my divide and timetables so I can get smarter when I grow up and go to collage. My Best friends are Memory, Jolie, Poiva, Sita, Jazire, Mya, Alicia, Sunipa and more because they are one of the closes friends I ever had. My favourite subjects is maths and writing. Mr Beel you are improving the work you have been teaching us. Mr Beel your the best teacher for 2016.
Friday, 19 August 2016
Japanese language
Our Japanese teacher taught us some Japanese phrases.

We learnt that to say :
How are you? in Japanese it is “Ogenki desu ka”
My name is…. in Japanese it is "Watashi no namae wa…."
Goodbye in Japanese is "Sayonara"
Hello in Japanese is "Konnichiwa"
Thank you in Japanese is "Arigatou"
We also learnt to count:
100 in Japanese is "Hyaku"
1,000 in Japanese is "Sen"
Origami - Frog
Today My Japanese teacher Mr Yamasaki taught us how to make Origami Frogs. This is a picture of my frog. I made it jump around my desk.
Friday, 29 July 2016
Prototec Maths
This morning we had to go on our prototec website. As we get on Prototec we have to write our name our class number and then go on the stage that we are in. After finishing our prototec we have to put it in a new document and then we have to put it in our maths folder.
I sat stage 5 and I got 83%.
Friday, 1 July 2016
Friday, 10 June 2016
Introduce myself
Hi my name is Angel and I am 10 years old. I am a Cook Island and Maori. I go to Glen Innes School. My favourite subject is Maths, and Writing. My favourite sports is Running, and Skipping. I have 2 sister's and 1 brother. In my class I have 8 friends and they like sports and also they like gutter board.
Wednesday, 8 June 2016
The Haunted house.
One stormy night Vedel, Mya, Jazire, Joile, Siunipa, and Alicia heard there was a haunted house at the back of the school at Glen Innes.
When Vedel, Mya, Jazire, Joile, Siunipa, and Alicia went to go and have a look at the haunted house it was too big and to scary like halloween.
When they looked at the haunted house Mya went to go open the door because all of the other girls were to scared to go in.
As Mya open the door all the girls went to go in and had a look.
When Joile went up the stairs a ghost was going pasted her.
The ghost was making funny voices. Joile said, “ Siunipa, Jazire, Mya, Alicia and Vedel come up the stairs.”
When they went up the stairs the wall ate Joile leg and all the girls was trying to get Joile out of the wall and Siunipa was going down on the floor and she is saying” NO NO NO Help Me” girls I’m getting stuck heard “said” Siunipa. Vedel couldn't handle when Siunipa and Joile got stuck.
Vedel ran out of the house and called 111 on her phone.
When Vedel ran the girls said “Get back Vedel.” Vedel didn’t want to go back in the haunted house.
When Siunipa and Joile got out of the wall and the floor they went into the living room. When they went into the living room their was some really old pictures and some old stuff their.
When Alicia went into this old room she heard another ghost.
When the ghost went by Alicia the ghost whisper into Alicia Ear and said I will come and find you and your friends and Alicia was saying” NO, NO ,NO” you will never find me and my friends.
When Vedel was staying outside she saw a police car and she went to say my friends are in there I saw the wall and the floor eating two of my friends and I think they are still in there because there was a ghost in their.
When the police went in the haunted they found the girls but one of them got lost and that was Alicia because she went to the bedroom.
When the girls and the police went to go find Alicia she was going into the closet.
As she was walking into the closet and the girls made Alicia go with the girls and the police outside. After that they went home and went to sleep.
The ghost was looking out of the window and the ghost said “ I will find you next time..” The girls said we will never go into the haunted house, again!!
Sunday, 5 June 2016
I'm learning Equivalent Fractions.
We have been learning about equivalent fractions.
We made fractions from shapes, photographed it and inserted it in our document.
I learnt that some fractions are half quarter.
We learnt that fractions are the most work.
I also learnt that 1/2 equals to 2/4.
And also 1/3 equals 2/6.
Friday, 3 June 2016
Explanation: The foods journey to the large intestine
The food’s journey to the large intestine.
How does your food get down to your stomach and wonder why it get’s their
As you eat, the teeth will make the food go into smaller pieces. The food that’s in your mouth goes down your throat. All the food will go down to your oesophagus and will help it to go down to your stomach.
When you eat the food will go down and the oesophagus will pushes the food down to your stomach. The food will be stop a lot so when you're upside down it will not come out of your mouth.
Your stomach is full of gastric gas. If you touch the gastric gas you will burn yourself. Your food that goes into your stomach will go liquid because it need’s all of the things that you eat. It will only take iron,vitamins,protein,fiber and calcium.
The food that you eat goes into your intestine and it get mix. Water removed and feces are are formed into the small intestine.
And at the end you will need to go for a poop.
Thursday, 19 May 2016
The moon is bright like the sun.
The moon is shines on the beach water every night.
The moon is beautiful as I see the moon.
The moon is white like a colour.
The moon is a very nice moon as I see the moon.
The moon makes me sleepy.
As I go to sleep I dream about the moon.
Now in the morning I will see the moon in the morning.Friday, 11 March 2016
Dark places.
Dark places. by Desna Wallace.
It’s dark and wet,
With slimy, Slithery creatures,
In the deepest, darkest coiner,
Of the ocean.
It’s dark and wet,
With spooky shadowy shapes,
In the deepest darkest corner
Of the forest.
It’s dark and wet,
With soggy, smelly sandwiches,
In the deepest, darkest corner,
Of my brothers school bag.
- What groups of words are repeated in every verse:
It’s Darkest,corner,of,in,deepest,dark,and,wet.
2. Which words have the same beginning sounds in verse 1 ?
3. In what ways is the bottom of a school bag like a corner of a forest or ocean.
A dark place where things collect in a pile
Who can be the slimy slithery and creature.
Spooky, shadowy sharp
5. What do you think makes this poem humorous? (Not funny)
It’s is not funny because it is not like a joke. The story is not for 9 year old and older kids. It only for little kids.
Saturday, 5 March 2016
Me and my friend.
Hi my name is Angel and I'm 10 years old. This is my friend we are taking a photo together. My mum works in the forest to cut down trees.
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Rounding Numbers
WALT - round numbers to the nearest whole number. 2,469.491 2,469.491 is between 2,469 & 2,470. Since I will be rounding it to the...
Hi my name is Angel and I'm 10 years old. This is my friend we are taking a photo together. My mum works in the forest to cut do...
Today this morning we did equivalent fractions. We had to Explain our work and how to figure it out. These two are the main from our DLO. I...
WALT: easily find our learning on our Class Site. I found this work really hard but I got through it quite well. This was all about Room 6...